The documentary Beyond Fordlânda premiered in the French capital on the 24th of January 2018. Invited by the School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - EHSS), director Marcos Colón, professor and scientist Marcus Barros and researcher and professor Marilene Corrêa went to Paris for a screening of the film followed by debate.
The event, in the François-Furet Amphitheater (Anfiteatro François-Furet), served to widen the debate taking place at festivals and research institutions around the world.
“The premiere in Paris took place in an academic environment of the highest level, among a highly acclaimed group of researchers – the Think Tank on Contemporary Brazil (Grupo de Reflexão sobre o Brasil Contemporâneo)”, affirmed Marilene Corrêa, president of the Geographical and Historical Institute of the Amazon (Instituto Geográfico e Histórico do Amazonas).
“Scientific criticism on the economic experiences of the Amazon – so well translated in the filmic language of the production – was another relevant aspect for the dialogue between the audience and the director of the film, and its interlocutors in the Amazon”, she added.
For Corrêa, the fact that the Parisian premiere occurred among a group of researchers accentuates the reach of the film through European and Brazilian Universities, as does the repercussion on Rádio France International, which transmits to various countries in 15 different languages.
Doctor Marcus Barros, who was the director of Ibama from 2003 to 2007, also highlighted the importance of the connection Colón makes between the predatory cycles of the Amazon.
“What the film exposes is the failure of development models that don’t take into account the environment and the lives of the peoples it affects. This is shown not only in Ford’s failed Project in the Amazon, but also in the aggressions of the extractivism and contraband of minerals and wood. The link between these enclaves showed, once again, that the Amazon cannot accept these projects any more”, summarised the scientist, who also remembered the importance of showing the film in institutions of research and learning.
Follow the screening schedule here.
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Afrânio Garcia, Marilene Corrêa, Marcos Colón and Marcus Barros in the event in Paris
Marcus Barros, Marilene Corrêa and Marcos Colón in the event in Paris